Smaller Nose
There is a subtle change that can be made to the nose to make it smaller without making it look pinched or twisted. Mr Uppal will discuss with you in great detail exactly which part of the nose you want to be made smaller.
The most common areas that we get asked to be reduced are:
1. The end of the nose called the ‘tip’. This is because it may be too bulbous or out of proportion to the top of the nose.
2. Corrective revision surgery to the tip of the nose. This is the most complex part to reduce and should only be undertaken by an experienced surgeon such as Mr Uppal.
3. Too much projection of the nose. This means that the nose is too long and protrudes out of the face too much. This again is a delicate manouever that Mr Uppal performs routinely.
Mr Uppal will remove precise parts of the nose cartilages seen in this diagram. Or he will change the structure of the nose to make the tip look smaller but still natural. No one should be able to tell that you have ever had nose surgery.
How much does rhinoplasty or a nose job cost?
A full rhinoplasty or nose job price starts from £5400. Cheaper surgery is available abroad and by less experienced surgeons. Don’t go for the cheapest surgery. If you can’t afford nose surgery then it’s better to wait till you can and get a good result first time rather than needing revision.
The old phrase “Buy Cheap, Pay Twice” really applies to rhinoplasty surgery.
The cost of a non surgical rhinoplasty starts at £1545. This involves an injection of filler or fat taken from your body to improve the shape of your nose. It takes half an hour to perform in the clinic and patients can go back to work the next day. Not all patients can have this type of Rhinoplasty so check with Mr Uppal if this is possible for you. It can be used to make changes to a hump on the nose or to change the end of the nose. Non surgical rhinoplasty can also improve the nose if it is different from one side to the other (asymmetry).
Nose surgery or rhinoplasty starts at £2435 for a mini-rhinoplasty under local anaesthetic. This is for patients who do not want any surgery to the bone part of the nose and can be a quick and effective way of improving the shape of the nose without a full rhinoplasty.
A full rhinoplasty or nose job price starts from £5400. This includes the fee for the surgeon, the anaesthetist, hospital costs, operation theatre costs and 2 follow up consultations with Mr Uppal. This surgery allows changes to be made to any part of the nose if needed including the bone of the nose, nose cartilages and/or the soft parts of the nose.
A septo-rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty or nose job can cost £5455 as this is much more complex and takes longer. This can improve breathing through the nose. It can also correct problems with the nose after rhinoplasty surgery in the past. Remember rhinoplasty is about improving the shape and function of the nose and perfection is not possible. Mr Uppal is one of the world’s leading rhinoplasty and nose surgeons and may be one of the best nose surgeons in London but even he cannot guarantee an unrealistic expectation of outcome.
Can I have a nose job if I’m 16 years old?
Yes. Although the legal age of an adult is 18, there is clear protection under the law for young people under 18 years of age seeking treatment who are deemed to be Gillick Competent (Gillick v Norfolk 1986 House of Lords). This means if the doctors and nurses feel that the 16 or 17 year old patient is mature enough to understand the risks and benefits of surgery, then this can be offered. Supportive parents also help and Mr Uppal will involve the family in the process of considering nose surgery. Mr Uppal feels that a nose that is a real issue for young people can lead to bullying and an abnormal psychosocial development, even leading to social handicap. Just as prominent teeth or big ears are corrected at a young age, correcting a large nose can make a significant contribution towards the future social confidence of the young person. Clinical studies have shown that success in social, study and work relationships can thus be improved.
How long after rhinoplasty surgery can I fly?
You can fly 1 week after nose surgery once the splint has been removed by Mr Uppal and his rhinoplasty team.
Nose surgery abroad is cheaper but is it a good idea?
It is possible to get a cheaper nose job in Poland or other European countries. However these European clinics are driven by profit and the surgeons they hire are cheaper than fully qualified and trained surgeons. Mr Uppal undertakes many revisions on patients who have had poor results abroad. The language barrier also means you don’t fully appreciate what the surgeon is trying to tell you about rhinoplasty and equally they often don’t understand you. They are usually not fully insured if something goes wrong. And you cannot pop in to see the surgeon afterwards if you have a problem. Mr Uppal and his team are fully insured for all cosmetic surgery including rhinoplasty and are governed by UK laws.
I’ve seen a few clinics and surgeons giving free consultations – is that ok?
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”
Clinics with good marketing try to get you to book surgery and draw patients in with free consultations. They will not give you an independent and honest assessment of your needs. Their main aim is to get you to pay a deposit for surgery.
Deciding to have nose surgery is a big decision and you need a responsible surgeon with integrity such as Mr Uppal who will not put any pressure on you to have surgery unlike those offering ‘free’ consultations.
What are the risks involved in a nose job?
All operations carry risk but as long as they are done safely by a surgeon with experience and skill such as Mr Uppal, you are unlikely to experience any problems. The main risks are bruising and swelling which everyone gets to some extent and lasts about 1-2 weeks. Most people return to work after 1 week of a nose job. There is some swelling that can last 3-6 months. Less common risks include tiny abnormal bumps that can be felt by touching the nose. These can develop because the skin, cartilage and bone of the nose are living tissue and grow with time. These subtle bumps are normally not visible and settle after some months as the scars inside the nose start to mature and soften. Another risk is asymmetry, meaning that the left and right sides of the nose are not a mirror image of each other. Nobody has a mirror image of their nose. In fact, computer studies that create this mirror image result in a very unnatural and deformed looking nose. The shape of the nose can change in the long term. The other risk is that you may not be entirely happy with the appearance of the nose. Part of how we see ourselves is in the mind, as much as it is in the physical body. How we feel depends on our self esteem and psychological state. This is especially true of rhinoplasty patients who sometimes have high expectations that cannot be achieved by surgery – even by Mr Uppal who is a world expert. We cannot make you look like your favourite movie star or a model. Other risks include temporary numbness, infection, bleeding, scars inside the nose, scars on the outside and breathing problems.
Any complications of surgery will be corrected by Mr Uppal and the team without any surgical fees. Personal wishes to change the shape of the nose further are welcome but need the approval of Mr Uppal and full payment. Revision surgery is not normally considered for at least 6 months after the first surgery.
What does the nose clip do for my nose?
An important issue after nose surgery is the swelling of the nose that occurs afterwards. Most of the swelling is reduced about 3 months after surgery. However many patients find there is still a little swelling of the nose which keeps changing up to 1 year after surgery. Mr Uppal has many years of experience in treating this swelling to get the best shape possible for your nose. To help reduce nose swelling, Mr Uppal recommends that you wear the nose clip that we will provide for you free of charge upon request. We recommend that you wear this at night for 6 weeks after surgery. Mr Uppal will advise you on what is best for you and how to use the nose clip. Please ask our office for details.